Frequently asked questions

Is depression and anxiety common?
Absolutely, feeling sad or anxious happens to all of us, however there is a problem when it interferes with your daily life.

How do I know if I am depressed?
Depressed feelings are characterised by feelings of sadness, loneliness, despair, low self-esteem and self-reproach. It can also be accompanied by withdrawal from social contact, loss of appetite and insomnia.

The important thing to realise is every person is unique; therefore every person’s depression is different. That is why we endeavour to work with each person and their differences in order to help them become well again.

There are so many different types of therapy I have heard of, how do I know what would be right for me?
Please do not worry about not knowing what to ask for, deciding what type of help you need is our responsibility. It is usual to book an initial session when together we will work out what will suit you best. Sometimes we will use our skills so that you are receiving a mix of therapies. For example Cognitive Behavioural Techniques may be used. Explorative psychodynamic therapy may be used. It may be that you need very short term counselling. It may be you need longer term counselling. But together we can discuss the options. You will be fully informed at the beginning of what could be involved and unless you feel comfortable with the treatment plan then no further action will be taken. Also if we think that another type of therapy, or treatment would be more suitable we would advise you and refer you to a specialist.

Is it wise to have psychotherapy if I am on medication?
It is often the case that we will work alongside your GP or Psychiatrist who has prescribed any medication for you.

What if I have other questions that have not been mentioned here?
If you have a personal concern either contact us by e-mail or telephone and hopefully we will be able to answer your concerns.

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